Day 5



          I’m not sure how to begin Day 5 of my journal.  Let’s just say that our plans didn’t go quite as we’d intended.  It’s an understatement, believe me!

          All right, start at the beginning.  Drake was 5 minutes late this morning but I was waiting outside so it didn’t take long to toss my bags in the back and for us to be on the road again.  We got snagged in traffic heading for the Golden Gate but we made it on time to Andy’s place.  And that’s where the plan got a little unraveled.  Carrie had only just beaten us to it and she wasn’t looking happy.  Andy was talking fast to someone else but she wasn’t taking any notice.  Well, she was but she was brushing aside his objections as fast as he was making them.  Apparently, she’d decided she was coming with us.  Andy backed down, once he’d gotten a promise that she wouldn’t interfere, and that set Carrie off.  She didn’t want anyone else on the trip, especially someone who isn’t part of the group.  Andy said Peri would do what she was told and then he introduced her to us.  Peri Boyle.  She lives on the island but isn’t part of the professional people.  Peri shook hands and smiled.  She smiles a lot and has loads of confidence.  I like her.  She has a no-nonsense attitude.  Drake likes her too.  He says he could take some great shots of her.  He did say that we’d be roughing it and Peri said it was no problem, she was used to it.  Carrie was furious!  Not only did Peri look fantastic but she had a great manicure and her car is a red convertible, less than a year old and better than Carrie’s.  Carrie almost refused to go, which put Drake in a great mood, but Andy talked her round and we eventually set off in our convoy a little after 9:50.

          By noon, we were passing Haystone on our way to Littleriver to get the keys.  Peri decided to wait there and Drake decided to turn back and wait with her.  So I never got to see Littleriver.  Andy and Carrie went on alone.  We checked out the house from the gates.  It’s so gothic, so Addams family.  I’m writing this entry inside the Manor – but more on that later.

          I felt a little like the gooseberry at the wedding.  Drake was chatting to Peri and, eventually, she pointed out that she was married and not interested in any pick up lines but she was happy with being friends.  Then she brought me into the conversation and we never noticed how fast the time went by.  I told her what I did, and she seemed really interested.  Then Carrie and Andy came back with the keys and we got inside.

          Drake wanted to go up to the Manor straightaway but Andy said no.  He could go take some exterior shots but the priority was unpacking and getting into the lodge.  We wouldn’t be in the mood when we got back in the morning after a night of keeping watch.  That sparked the second disagreement.  Carrie refused to share a room with Peri.  (Oh, I should mention here that Carrie only brought 3 bags with her so my comments seem to have worked!)  There are rooms enough and the lodge is really quite nice and cozy so Peri and I are sharing.  Drake and Andy are sharing, and Carrie’s got a room to herself.  We got everything moved in and set up by around 4.  Andy cooked supper.  We ate then went up to the Manor.

          Haystone is fabulous.  It’s like every typical haunted house in every scary movie I’ve ever seen.  Huge rooms, big sweeping staircase, a library with one of those ladders on wheels – but no books.  Carrie read out the instructions from the owners – a list of do’s and don’ts and more don’ts than do’s.  Don’t start any fires in any of the fireplaces.  Don’t leave candles unattended.  Don’t open the shutters.  Do explore at leisure and extensively but don’t force any locks in locked doors because they’re locked for a reason.  That’s what we did first – explored, I mean.  Peri hung back and let Andy take the lead, make all the decisions.  She looked around a lot, I noticed, and she has a very direct gaze.  Drake took loads of pictures.  Carrie made snippy comments.  Peri and Carrie had an exchange of words which Drake found hilarious and which stopped the snippy comments in their tracks.  I wish I had the nerve to say those kinds of things.

          The really weird thing is that we’re all sitting in the library, which is our base for tonight, and all of us are writing our journals, even Peri.  Tonight is part of the watch but we haven’t really begun our investigation yet.  Tonight, we’re just getting a feel for the place, learn what’s normal so we can recognize what isn’t.  Tomorrow, we start in earnest.  I’m kind of glad Peri’s here – strange but I feel safer somehow.




          Today, I got proof that there is a God and that He is on the side of the oppressed men of this world.  I woke late, cursed when I saw the time, loaded everything into the car, hit the road, and got to Sunset only 5 minutes late.  Flo was waiting outside on the sidewalk.  We put her bags in the car and headed toward the bridge, hit traffic, but made up the time.  Got to Andy’s around 30 seconds late.  And that’s when God sent me an angel to get on Carrie’s nerves.  Her name’s Peri.  Andy was flustered when we got there.  Peri lives on the island with the people who employ Andy and she had decided she was coming with us, and she was not going to take no for an answer.  Fine with me!  I listened in and the conversation went something like: “You know Alex and I aren’t on the same wavelength right now and it’ll do us both good to have time apart, so I’m coming with you and your friends.  Extra pair of hands, Andrew. (Andrew??? Wow, formal, huh ?!)  I’m not going to tell you what to do.  Come on, it’ll be fun.  Say yes.”  To which he said: “But” and she went on: “Do you really want me to go back to the island and be the cause of a big fight?” and Andy said: “No, but” and she said: “So you’ll let me come along for the ride.  I won’t do a thing unless you tell me to.”  And Andy caved.  And then Carrie said: “You’re not a member of this group” and Peri said: “It’s just a few days.  Don’t get bent out of shape.”  Carrie said: “I’m not going, then” and I was about to give praise when Andy talked her round.  And, now, I am so glad he did because this is a show which is going to run and keep me entertained for days!  Thank you, God!

          I thought maybe Alex was Peri’s husband – she wears a gold band – but, later, I found out I was wrong.  Peri’s married to a guy called Nick and she isn’t interested in anything more than friends.  But I’m cool with that.  She’s a very interesting woman.  Gorgeous.  I could do a good photographic study of her.  I liked the way she brought Flo into the conversation and really listened to her.  That was nice.  Those 2 are going to get along great and Carrie has no one to blame but herself.

          When we got inside the gates, I wanted to get up to the Manor but Andy wanted to get us straight first with the unpacking.  We unloaded all our bags and sleeping bags, went inside.  Lodge is small but big enough for us.  Andy and I are sharing a room.  Flo and Peri are sharing but Carrie point blank refused so she has a room to herself.  While Andy started supper, I went up to the Manor to get some exterior shots.  What a house!  Fantastic.  I could feel my skin start to crawl just looking at it.

          We ate, got our supplies for the night and went to start the watch.  The inside of the Manor is even more spectacular.  All those big, empty rooms.  No furniture.  No nothing.  Just open space.   Andy decided we’d rig it with the mikes in the morning.  Tonight, we’re just here.  Listening and watching.  Carrie read out the instructions and then we explored in a group, Andy in the lead, Peri bringing up the rear.  Carrie just kept on with the snide remarks, sniping away.  Then Peri said – and it made me shiver; I’m shivering now writing it down even though it was a supreme moment – that something had happened in the house and that there was a bad feeling to the place.  Carrie said: “Well, obviously, if it’s haunted, something bad had to have happened.”  Peri replied: “I never said that.  Maybe it’s just seen as bad by whoever saw it” to which the Trip Nazi retorted: “What’s the difference?” and Peri gave her a very direct look and said: “Actually, a whole lot.  There’s a reason why we have 2 eyes and 2 ears and only 1 mouth, Carrie.  I suggest you try using your eyes and ears for once before you think of opening your mouth again.”

          I think I’m in love with another man’s wife.

          I’m in the library writing this.  It’s a quarter after midnight.  Nothing’s happened yet.  But it will.  I know it.




          Is this some kind of interim victory?  Nick came back this morning to say that Peri’s gone away for a while.  I feel I’ve scored some kind of triumph but not the triumph I want.  I asked him where – because I didn’t want to drive her away – and he said he didn’t know.  He woke up this morning and she’d gone.  I asked how long and he couldn’t tell me that either.  I asked if it was Enforcer business and he said no, she’s giving me time to think it thru for myself.  When Derek found out, he wasn’t pleased.  He didn’t say outright that it’s my fault but he didn’t say it wasn’t.

          I learned today that Profelis is coming to stay so Peri can concentrate on the new house for a while.  I wonder about that.  It seems more than timely.  But I can’t believe Peri deliberately called him in.  That would be like admitting defeat and backing off.  She wouldn’t ever do that.

          And what does she mean – giving me time to think it thru for myself?  I’ve done very little but think it thru.  Does she believe I can figure it out on my own, despite the fact I wasn’t there, didn’t see what she did, and just did as I was told?  I’ll have to ask Nick.

          He wasn’t around much today, apart from at breakfast and lunch.  He’s picking up Peri’s domestic duties as well.  He was in the control room for a while, doing something with the security monitors, but then he had to go over to Oakland for something.

          I worked some more on the translation today.  It’s coming along slowly.  Rachel helped Derek out in the library – they were starting to clean up the medallion.  I don’t think they’re avoiding me but they could’ve been giving me some space to think.  Rachel cooked supper this evening and ate with us before she left.  It’s my turn tomorrow.  Nick is here tonight but he was working on house plans in the study.  Derek went in the lounge to continue with his cleaning project.  That left me free to do some more research on Haystone.

          I believe that a house doesn’t make itself.  A house on its own is just timber, glass, and shingles.  It’s the people who live in it who make a house a home.  The history of a property is short and easily discovered.  It was built in a particular year, it’s either still standing or it was demolished in whenever.  End of research.  However, the history of a home is a lot more complex because a home is a house plus the family.  The family in Haystone was the McFarlanes.  That’s where I started.

          Gordon McFarlane came to this country from Scotland as a single man.  He married, came out west with his young wife and baby son Douglas.  Douglas McFarlane was a bit of a shadowy, secretive character and I’m not sure if he was strictly legit in his business dealings.  He was the black sheep.  He remained single until he was in his forties and then he married and fathered two legitimate children, a son and a daughter (although the accounts suggest he fathered a lot more outside marriage), before he was killed in a shooting accident.  Some reports say it was a duel.  Mary McFarlane raised her children alone and saw them both married well and successful.  The son – Charles – made a fortune in imported goods and he used a small quantity to build Haystone Manor.  The daughter – Maree – moved back east and out of the story.  Charles McFarlane appears to have been everything his father wasn’t (possibly due more to his mother’s influence than genetics) – upright, honest and faithful.  His wife – Constance – was a respected member of local society.  They had five children – two sons and three daughters.  Charles and Constance lived in Haystone for 15 years.  He died in 1910, she died in 1914, and ownership of Haystone passed to their eldest son Jack.  As far as I can tell, the others continued to live there too.  Jack was 38 when he became the master of Haystone, his siblings were 36, 34, 31 and 27.  They only lived there 4 years before Haystone was sold to Augustus Jessop.  The McFarlanes seem then to have dropped off the face of the Earth.  I can’t find any reference to any of them but I know they didn’t die locally.  I’ll have to cast my net farther afield and see what I can pull in.

          As for the manifestations, they began during the leaseholders’ terms of residence, not during the McFarlanes’ time in the Manor.  The house was new when they moved in.  There was no hint of strange occurrences while the parents were alive.  That narrows it down to those 4 years between Constance McFarlane’s death and the sale of Haystone to Augustus Jessop.  Something or a chain of events took place during that small interval.  I just have to find out what.




          Well.  I don’t know quite how to begin.  I’m at Haystone although I so nearly refused to come and, for once, it wasn’t because of anything Drake McGavan did.  This time, it was something Andy did.  He let a total stranger muscle in and join us.  I don’t suppose she is a total stranger to Andy – he recognized her at once when she pulled up in that brand new Mustang convertible.  He became instantly suspicious and subservient, wanting to know if there was a problem on the island, whether he was needed, and what was she doing here?  I was suspicious too – I don’t like the look of her.  She’s altogether too perfect to fit in with us.  As a legitimate member of the group and feeling bad for poor Andy – I hated to see him grovel like that for his vacation time – I listened in, ready to back him up.  He glared at me!  He said it was a private conversation.  I have never felt so worthless and unwanted in my life.

          The day began really well.  I was up with the dawn, in a fabulous mood, showered, dressed, made up, packed, and on the road in plenty of time.  I got to Andy’s at 9:20ish.  She arrived about 5 minutes later.

          I listened in anyway.  Andy tried to protest but she wouldn’t listen and he surrendered.  That’s when I felt honor bound to refuse to go any farther.  I saw the wide grin on Drake’s face when I made my stand.  I could have hit him.  And she told me not to get bent out of shape.  Who does she think she is?  Bitch.  There is not one spare ounce on her body.  I wonder how much that liposuction cost!

          We eventually got everything packed and we were on the road by 10:00.  Andy led the convoy.  Drake followed, I came next and the Mustang followed me.  We made good time and got to Haystone at around noon.  Andy continued to Littleriver, Drake and I followed but the Mustang stopped at Haystone.  Drake promptly turned back.  He is so shallow.  A pair of legs and an expensive car, and he goes to pieces.  I felt sorry for Florence.  She is a little plain compared to people like me, and she carries a little excess weight.  Next to the stick insect, she must have felt immense.  Andy and I called in at the address in Mr Jessop’s letter and I was amazed to discover that Andy’s father is the key holder.  There was quite the family reunion.  When we got back to Haystone, Drake, Florence and the gatecrasher were talking like they’d known each other forever.  It was galling!  They never talk to me like that.

          Andy let us into the estate.  We drove in, parked beside the lodge, and moved all our bags inside.  There was absolutely no way I was going to rough it with a stranger in the same room so I have my own room which suits me fine.  Let Florence feel inadequate, sharing with her.  I won’t.  I’ll feel superior because I’m not sharing at all.

          After Andy prepared supper, we gathered our supplies and went up to the Manor.  It’s a big house, very well appointed.  No spiders’ webs and, thank God, no rats.  I made the point of reading aloud the instructions in the letter.  Then we explored.  I wanted to put Miss Perfect in the picture and make sure she knew her place in the scheme of things.  She ignored me, can you believe that?  Bitch.  I think I really dislike her enough to feel hatred.  Anyway, we were upstairs in one of the bedrooms and the Bitch said something so obvious that it was laughable.  She said that something had happened in the house and that there was a bad feeling to the place.  I had to respond; no one else looked like they were going to.  I said obviously, if it’s haunted, something bad must have happened.  She argued with me.  Me.  A 2 year veteran of the ghost hunting club.  I asked her what was the difference between what I’d said and what she’d said, and, well, she insulted me, told me to shut my mouth.  Charming.  If she is a typical representative of the people Andy works for, I shudder to think what his working life is like.

          We’re in the library now.  Tomorrow, we’ll set up the equipment and get the place rigged for sound and vision.  So far, nothing’s happened.  I don’t suppose it will, except the Bitch will get bitchier and I’ll feel more insulted every day.  A lovely 9 day vacation awaits me, I don’t think.  Actually, I can’t wait to get back to the lodge.  There’s a terrible smell in here.




          Merli’s gone.  I had a feeling yesterday that she was going to cut loose so I wasn’t totally surprised to wake this morning and find I was alone.  What I haven’t told the others is that I know where she’s gone.  I lied to Alex and said I didn’t know, but I do.  Merli left me a note and said she’d gone on a short vacation with Andrew and his friends.  Keep them safe, try something she doesn’t usually do, and help out.  Merli should be a big help.  She’s tuned in to ghosts.  She’s got nothing on that kid in The Sixth Sense.  And she knows how to explain secret stuff in a way no one can pick up on as well as fit in with a crowd.  She’ll have a great time.

          In the meantime, Alex can get on with figuring out her solution.  It’s why I lied.  If Alex knew what I know, I wouldn’t put it past her to drive up there and have it out.  Andrew doesn’t need that.

          The other good thing about Merli going is that it’s very unlikely we’ll be called on to help.  If Merli can’t handle it, it has to be big.  She can handle just about anything.  That means I can get on with my work and not think about having to rush up the coast.

          I finished the camera check today.  One has been damaged by a falling branch – probably got hit by lightning.  It still works but I’m replacing it now rather than wait for it to fail.  Meant a trip over to Oakland and a supplier there.  I got back late but in time for supper.  Rachel’s a good cook and she said I must have caught the aroma from over the Bay because there could be no other reason for my timing being so good.  I did breakfast and lunch today.  I think Derek’s doing the lunch roster tomorrow.  The guy’s red hot as Precept and knows his stuff inside out but he does love to dabble in the kitchen when he can get the chance.

          You’d think that, after this long, I’d be used to Merli being away and leaving with either no notice or after a couple of hours.  I’m not.  I don’t think I ever will get used to it, not if we have fifty years together.  I don’t worry as much because I’ve seen how she fights, but I still worry.  If I didn’t care what happened to her .. I may as well quit and walk away.  But I’m not worried this time.  This is a simple ghost hunt and I know Merli.  She’s there to be with a new group of ordinary, regular people, watch them interact, share a little of what she can never be, and help out with a willing hand.  Andrew’s done so much for us that, in a way, Merli being there to watch his back, even if he doesn’t know that, is a way of saying thank you.

          Derek hasn’t said anything about it but I get the feeling that he maybe blames Alex for Merli going.  He shouldn’t.  This has little to do with Alex.  Okay, perhaps she was the catalyst who first put the idea in her head but she didn’t tip the balance.  We’ve all reached the point when we say enough and have to cut loose for a while.  Maybe San Stefano took more out of Merli than any of us realized.

          One good piece of news – Jazz called me today to say how much he’s enjoying married life.  He and Janice had a terrific honeymoon and they’re back now in Chula Vista and settled in the apartment.  He asked if Merli and I could get down there sometime to visit.  I told him we’d try but, with the new house and everything, it might be a while.  I said that, if he could wait until after New Year, he could come stay with us – we’d have plenty of room.  Then Jazz asked me a question which stopped me dead.  I couldn’t answer it.  Till now .. my answer would have been no and I would have had no hesitation.  Without any kind of warning, I’m not sure anymore.  Were Merli and I going to have kids?  We talked once about adopting.  Maybe, once the house is finished, we should talk again.




          Day 5.  I woke this morning and thought why shouldn’t I just go away for a while?  Not far, not for weeks, just .. away from all the same old same old and try something different.  So I chose Andrew and his friends to be the worthy beneficiaries of my amazing talents on their annual vacation.  And, boy, what a can of worms I opened.  This time is going to be more fun than I imagined.  I am determined to keep it professional though.

          I got to Andrew’s place – only I have to call him Andy while this is going on – around 9:25 this morning.  Actually, I got there at 7:24 and parked a couple of blocks away.  At 9:10, Andy started bringing crates out and stacking them on the sidewalk.  When he was done and someone else had turned up, I just drove down the street.  The other person had arrived a few minutes before.  What a charming individual she is.  My patience is going to be tested quite hard, I think.

          Her name is Carrie.  On the surface, she’s brittle, arrogant, suspicious, officious and controlling.  She has the attitude of a 50 year old spinster who’s given up.  Inside, however, it’s another story.  Carrie Hess is confused, lonely, vulnerable and hurt.  She’s just protecting herself and she is going to need careful handling.

          I pushed my way in – I admit it.  Andy didn’t want me there but I shamelessly played on his loyalty to the Luna Foundation.  Carrie objected.  There were words exchanged – mild words for me because I don’t want to hurt her.  She’s been hurt enough.  Andy talked her round, we loaded up the vehicles and got going.

          The other two in the group arrived together – Drake McGavan and Florence Goode.  Later, I learned that Florence’s car is in the shop so Drake gave her a ride; there’s no deeper relationship beyond friendship.  These three – with Andy – form the nucleus to the group and Carrie orbits like a lone electron. 

          Drake is a photographer and makes good money at it.  He is pleasant, anxious to do right but knows his own mind and will bend but only so far.  Florence is an administrator in a hospital and runs quite a big department.  She’s deeper.  She’s in a state of flux right now.  She’s softly spoken, gives the impression she’ll do anything to help but, beneath all that, there’s a pressure building.  I’m not sure yet if it’s resentment at being dumped on for a long time or frustration that her wishes are invariably subsumed in the greater need of the group.  She’s accommodated everyone for years and now she’s starting to feel a need to kick back and rebel.  Andy …  Well, he’s interesting.  I’m not sure if, when he works for us, he puts on a coat or whether he shrugs one off.  He’s totally different here – on the outside.  Much more laid back yet also much more the leader.  Inside, his mind is ticking like clockwork more than it does at home.

          Got to Haystone at noon.  I decided to scope the place out while the others went on to get the keys.  Aquila went in and took a close look round then came back to report no evil, just bad .. and she wasn’t totally sure about that.  While she was gone, Drake and Florence returned and Drake decided to try out his selection of best pick up lines on me.  Florence felt pushed aside by that and I was surprised to sense some jealousy in there as well.  I told Drake I’m married, happily, to Nicky so let’s stick at friends, then brought Florence into the conversation.  They are nice people, I like them.  They look out for each other.  We talked for an hour or more until Andy and Carrie came back.

          We went to the lodge which is around 50 feet inside the gates.  Next argument – Carrie doesn’t want to share the girls’ dorm.  She’s in a room next door.  Florence and I are sharing.  Andy and Drake are opposite us.  Drake went out to start his photoshoot.  Andy cooked supper.  Carrie ignored me. 

          At 6:00, we got coffee and sandwiches to last the night, walked up to the Manor, and started work.  Carrie read out a list of orders from the owners, then we explored.  There are some rooms which are locked – why is that?  They’re just empty rooms – Aquila checked them out.  She didn’t even pick up any signs of past badness in them.  Maybe it’s to enhance the Manor’s rep.  In one of the bedrooms, Carrie and I had another exchange.  She needs someone to be a friend but first I have to crack open that armor.  Every insult, every harsh word, every hurtful experience in her life is a fresh layer around her true personality.  She’s being warped by a weight of pain and her inner voice doesn’t support her at all.  It’s her worst critic.  Downward spiral.  I said, nicely enough, that she should be more observant before offering another opinion.  She’s no expert on the paranormal but she’s smart enough.  But she looked like I’d bitch slapped her.  Right now, she hates my guts.  May have to review my tactics.

          It’s late now.  We’re in the library.  Tomorrow, we set up the equipment.  So far, nothing’s happened except there’s a stink coming from somewhere.  I need to read up on this house.  I’ll ask Florence if she has a book I can borrow.




          I don’t have much time to write today’s entry.  I have clients to see in the morning and I have to review their notes so this must necessarily be brief.  Today, having failed yesterday to help Alex, I gave Derek a hand with one of his tasks for the Paris house.  He has three items to clean up, date and research.  First task has to be cleaning.  I can do that better than I can translate Old French.  We started with the medallion.  Lucien at the Paris house believes there could be another chamber beneath the vault, possibly a crypt or burial chamber.  He hopes that the medallion can prove this theory by identifying the person buried there.  The medallion is quite large – couple of inches across – and it may not be a medallion at all but some kind of commemorative inscription cum tablet.  Anyway, we began with wire brushes.  I think Derek’s going to have the metal analyzed.  Once we know what it’s made of, we may be able to use some kind of chemical wash to dissolve or partially dissolve the mineral encrustation.

          Nick returned early this morning, and alone.  Peri’s gone away somewhere.  I can’t believe she’s run from a fight or even an argument.  That isn’t her nature.  But it may be exactly what Alex needs.  Derek also told us at breakfast that Profelis is coming to stay for a while.  I like him.  He’s very even tempered.  He may be willing to act as a go between in the dispute.  To a degree, he is neutral.

          I wonder where Peri’s gone.  My opinion is that I think she’s selfish to do this to Nick – go off and not tell him where she’s gone or how long she’s likely to be away.  If I were him, I’d be worried sick but Nick appears to be growing accustomed to this behavior.  I’ll have to keep a weather eye on him, make sure he keeps those spirits up.

          That’s it for today.  I’m running late as it is.




          Peri has not only left the building and the island, she has left the area.  When Nick told us this morning, I felt a momentary pang of unease.  It shows me how much I have come to depend upon her being here.  The fact that she is in the house is an enormous comfort, even though she has no real work of her own to do.  I do not believe anyone is at fault here although Alex has certainly played a part in the decision.  Peri’s choice could be simply an extension to the space and time issue.  With luck, Alex will reason it thru alone.

          Nick appears to be taking it well which suggests to me he knows more than he’s said.  She has not gone into danger, just away.  I wonder if she has gone with Andrew.  My research into Haystone Manor indicates there is no evil there so, if Peri has gone along for the ride, she will not be needed in the strict sense nor will she have to reveal any secrets.  However, if my guess is accurate, I will rest a little easier knowing Andrew and his friends are very well protected.

          Nick picked up the kitchen duties at breakfast and lunch, Rachel cooked supper.  Tomorrow, it is my turn.  I am being let loose with the stove.  I’m rather looking forward to it.  A Legacy Precept always has to direct his team but it’s rare that he can tell them what to eat as well.

          A short entry today.  I must continue with the cleaning of this medallion.  I’m hopeful that, tomorrow or the next day, I will be able to get some kind of reaction from it.




          Dear Diary .. is it possible anything else can go wrong?  The one person I have said nothing to about my vacation (apart from how much I was looking forward to it) is here with us.  PB arrived this morning out of the blue, scared me badly because I thought I’d have to cancel, then gatecrashed all our plans.  And everyone acted to character.  Drake’s eyes lit up (I can understand that; PB could easily be a model).  Florence accepted it and made her welcome.  Carrie threw a hissy fit.  I went from victim just like them to mediator.  I’d argued – or tried! – not to have PB along then had to argue that it was okay for her to come.  The amazing thing is that we got on the road only 10 minutes late.  Oh, and Drake arrived on time; will miracles never cease?

          I led the convoy north to Mendocino and on past Haystone.  I sneaked a quick look as we went by.  It hasn’t changed from when I was a kid.  We went on to Littleriver but Drake turned back.  Carrie had the address of the key holder and I had to let her go in front – she took me home.  It was great seeing my folks again.  I never knew my Dad had the keys – boy, he kept that quiet!  If I’d known when I was younger, it would’ve saved a lot of scraped hands and torn jeans.  Mom insisted on coffee and cake, and we talked.  Then we had to get going again.  Dad wished me well with the hunt.

          When we got back, Drake wanted to get straight up to the house but I had to turn him down.  I mean, come on!  An all night session, walking back in the morning …  We wouldn’t have wanted to unpack then.  All we’d have wanted was to crash.  We had to do it this afternoon.

          Carrie decided to be stubborn.  She wasn’t going to share a room with Florence and PB.  I don’t know why.  Women’s minds and the way they work are beyond my meager understanding.  The rooms here are big enough.  Carrie knows Florence.  PB, for all my objections, has kept her promise not to take over.  She’s been a fantastic help.  But Carrie’s taken a dislike.  So be it.  Carrie has a room on her own and space to spread out.  Florence and PB already look like old friends.  Back on Angel Island, PB may be entitled to tell me what to do but, here, she’s really fit in well.  No such arguments with me and Drake.  We have our room over the hall.

          Later this afternoon, Drake went to take some pictures.  I unpacked the camping stove and set it up in the kitchen, then got to start my own work.  I prepared flasks of coffee, sandwiches and supper.  We ate, cleaned up, then all took a warm sweater and a jacket and headed for the Manor.  I have to make a confession here.  After I unlocked the door but before I opened it, I paused.  This was such an important, historic moment for me.  Then I pushed open the door and got my first ever look at the inside of Haystone Manor.  It’s everything I ever imagined it would be, and more.  Haystone features in Florence’s book but the photos are only of the outside.  There must be pictures but they’ve never been published.  Maybe no one has ever taken a record of the inside .. till now.

          Carrie’s first order of priority was to read the orders of the owner and we all paid close attention.  That kind of thing is important.  We may want to come back in the future so we can’t screw up now.  It all seemed pretty reasonable and I was intrigued by the mention of locked doors.  Kind of loads the scales a little against us .. but none of us are locksmiths, or lock-picks!  We put up and shut up.

          Then we explored.  It is a big house.  Not as big as where I work but a fair size.  It’s been kept in very good condition.  It’s clean.  Smells musty but that’s to be expected.  It’s dim rather than dark during the day; light does leak in.  There are no working facilities in the house at all.  On the whole I noticed, as we explored to get the layout, it’s a quiet house.  The floors are good.  They don’t creak.  Of course, it is very open – large rooms, long, wide passages – so every sound is hollow and does echo.  Carrie’s voice carries very well …

          When we were upstairs, PB said something which surprised me.  I’d never really thought of her as having a part to play at the Foundation but maybe I’ve been wrong.  She said something had happened and that there was a bad feeling.  Carrie instantly came back with a dumb comment.  It’s beneath her to act that way.  PB didn’t snap – I would have if it had been directed at me – and just told her to look and listen more than speak.  Carrie knows the routine.  We observe during the watch, make notes on our activity sheets, then talk it over the next day, so PB’s remark was fine with me.  Carrie took it personally.  I swear I heard her teeth come together when she closed her mouth.

          We’re in the library tonight.  It’s cold and dark, and the atmosphere is colder still.  I haven’t heard or seen anything yet.  Tomorrow, we come back to rig the cameras and the recorder.  I think PB has exchanged one potential fight with AM for a definite fight with CH.  And this is my nice, peaceful vacation …




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