“Good morning,” Rachel greeted then
studied her Precept. “It isn’t that you
didn’t sleep well .. but something is obviously on your mind.”
Derek nodded, frowning but not in
concern. His gaze was distracted, his
thoughts clearly elsewhere.
“Maybe you don’t need me to .. disturb
you,” she went on, tactfully backing away.
Don’t go, Rachel,” he requested, snapping back to the present. “I could use someone to talk with. I had an unsettling experience last night.”
“Oh ..? How do you mean?” Rachel
slowly sat down. “You’re usually so
well balanced that it’s strange to hear you use that word when you talk about
“It .. I was asleep.”
“A dream?”
He nodded. “Yet it was more than a dream.”
Rachel eased forward,
concentrating. “The forest ..?”
I know I didn’t leave my room.
It was raining. I was asleep. I didn’t wake up. I didn’t wake until this morning.”
“So it wasn’t frightening,” she
“Not in the least. It was puzzling. It still is. I found
myself in a desert but I didn’t recognize it.”
“Well, Derek, with the best will in
the world,” Rachel half laughed, “even if you had by some remote chance visited
every square foot of every desert there is on this planet .. deserts
change. The wind, the elements – ”
He was shaking his head. “I did not know this desert,” he said
“Okay,” Rachel agreed. “What was it like?”
Derek shrugged, his shoulders
taut. “Sand. Rocks. Cliffs. It was very hot. I wore a shirt, pants, boots.
I was sweating.”
“I know you didn’t recognize it but ..
did it remind you of any place? I
haven’t been to that many deserts but .. the Sahara is sand dunes. The Gobi is gravel. The Mojave is scrub.”
“The Middle East. The Holy Land. The Sinai Peninsula. That
“Okay,” Rachel nodded. “You’ve been to those places. Did it seem .. familiar in any way?”
Derek hesitated. “Yes.
Distantly. I think I may have
visited somewhere nearby but not close to where I was. Yet even that seems wrong. Everything was .. too sharp, too new
Rachel sat up. “Could it be .. time?”
Derek looked at her. “The past.
A desert .. from the past.”
“That’s progress,” she suggested. “What else happened?”
“I found myself there. I think I was more bemused, more curious
than worried. I looked all around me,
turning a complete circle and studying the landscape out to the horizon.”
She held up a hand. Derek stared at it.
“Did you feel .. isolated, like you
knew you didn’t belong there, or connected in some way?” she asked.
Derek’s gaze fractured and he looked
away, digging into the memory, not of what he’d seen but of what he’d felt.
“How odd … ” he breathed.
Rachel felt a shiver race up her
spine. Cautiously, she moistened her
lips. She didn’t say anything; she
didn’t want to disturb whatever mental process was taking place.
“It was both,” Derek replied distantly. “Isolated .. because my time is now. Yet I was connected as well. Not so much to the place but to the man.”
“What man?” Rachel murmured, frowning.
“I completed my circle and there was a
man there. Dressed .. like, not quite as
you would imagine an Arab to look but similar.
Cotton robe, a head cloth, swarthy skin, dark eyes, a beard. I didn’t know him yet .. I wasn’t scared of
him either and he seemed to know me.
Me, in my shirt and pants and boots.
Something reached across time to join us in some way.”
Rachel swallowed and said nothing.
“He held up his hands to show he had
no weapons. That he was a friend,”
Derek continued softly. “I asked him
what he wanted.”
“Did he answer you?” she inquired in a
Derek nodded. “He said .. repay the debt.”
“That’s all.”
The dream faded, turned into other things.”
“Repay the debt,” Rachel
repeated. “What debt? What does it mean?”
“That is what is so unsettling,”
Derek replied. “I have no idea.”
Continue to Part II – Blood Price Introduction Return to Home
Poltergeist: The Legacy
Wheel Of Fire
Part I – Blood Genesis
© Jay Brown, 2002
Wheel Of Fire
Part II – Blood Price
coming soon