Day 4



          Day 4.  This isn’t half as bad as I imagined it would be.  So far, anyway.  Right now, I have nothing on the go except normal stuff which means I have the time to waste writing the day’s events in this book.  If I was on a case, it would be different.  But, so far, I’m okay with it and I’ll keep it up a while longer.

          Okay, what happened today – actually, I should go back to last night because the boss’s visit yesterday was playing on my mind as he knew it would, which is why he called on me.  It’s his way of gently telling me without actually saying that I should get ready.  ‘For what’ isn’t the question.  I should be ready for anything.  However, I like to know just a little more before I go into it so I went to visit my parents last night.  My Dad always seems to know everything going on – he’s the logical first point of contact.  He couldn’t help this time.  My Mom – who is one of the best partners of all time – could help a little.  My Mom can fight, and does, but her skill comes into play before and around combat.  Her senses are highly tuned in to her surroundings.  Some partners take equal shares of the fighting.  My Mom is an excellent rear security.  My Dad tells me he always feel safe with my Mom watching his back.  When I asked them if they’d heard any rumors or gossip, felt anything strange building or seen anything unusual going on, my Dad shook his head.  My Mom nodded – and it surprised him.  He had no idea.  The Gorge isn’t any different.  But there is an atmosphere.  My Mom described it as a very mild, almost unnoticeable electric current in the background.  Like a buzz, a tingle.  Something’s building because, she said, it’s getting slightly stronger every day.

          Then she asked why and I couldn’t tell her.  I don’t know.  I asked them to keep an ear open and give me a head’s up if they should hear anything.  Then I came home again.

          I didn’t go to the island today.  There’s really no need for me to be there right now.  And it is definitely more peaceful away from that house.  Come on, be honest – it’s more peaceful away from Alex.  A house can’t pick a fight.  A person can.  And will .. but only if the other person is there.  Fighting by phone doesn’t work – you can hang up.  Has to be one on one, face to face.  Aquila’s been bitching today – just tell her, get her off your back.  Aquila doesn’t care about feelings so, in one way, sure, it makes a lot of sense to just ‘tell her’.  But I don’t know if doing that would solve anything.  Strange thing to write.  Yes, short term, it would solve the ‘San Stefano investigation’ and let Alex close the damn file.  Long term .. I’m not so sure.  Alex is a complex personality.  She likes the idea of me being there to watch her back, protect her, take on the evil guys, and stay in the background the rest of the time.  She likes me being there to help out as a research assistant.  She hates the idea that I can do things she can’t.  We have been over this ground so many times now that it’s tedious.  So, if I tell her that I saved her from dying in there, she’ll be happy short term.  Then she’ll think about how I did it and she’ll get all resentful that I turned back time.  I let one scenario play itself out, then thought ‘bad idea’ and played another with a better ending.  That’ll lodge in her mind and, some day in the future, it’ll come back to bite me.  The fact that I could do it in there but I can’t do it out here won’t mean a damn.  I should’ve cleared it with her first.  Argued it out.  Requested permission.  There wasn’t time for that.  That’s another thing she hates.  Look, assess, decide, act.  Game over.

          Nicky came by this evening.  He’s staying over tonight.  Says he doesn’t sleep so well on his own these nights.  He’s only half lying so I’m not going to bitch about it.  He can’t wait for the house to be finished.  I can, strangely enough.  I’m looking forward to working with him to get it how we want and, if that takes a few years, I can live with it.  He’s writing his own journal entry now (and I don’t think it’s a Legacy journal either – jeez, he’s writing two?) and it looks like he’s just about done.  More tomorrow.




          Kat tells me my French is pitiful.  I have to agree.  After a day attempting to help Alex with some translation, and failing miserably, I’ve come to realize that my daughter is better equipped in some ways for Legacy work than I am.  Still, it was a quiet day, much the same as yesterday, because Peri didn’t show up at all.  I know it’s only putting off the inevitable but I am all for a peaceful life when I can get it.

          I did get Alex to talk a little about why she has such a big deal about this case.  Apparently, Peri did something without clearing it with the others first.  That something saved them – Alex admits that and has no problem with it; if she did, I’d have to seriously start questioning her mental balance – but it also denied them the chance to get at the truth.  Now that I can understand.  Alex rightly pointed out that the Legacy is based on the search for truth. There can be nothing left to surprise if the truth is known.  No nasty secrets.  No ancient skeletons liable to rise up and attack.  None of us has ever said knowing the truth is easy, nor that getting to it is a piece of cake because it isn’t.  Sometimes, the truth is monstrous, something we would rather turn away from than face it, but true courage comes in doing exactly that.  Facing it, accepting it, then dealing with it.  Alex feels that Peri denied her the chance to deal with the truth of that place.  She had no control over the outcome, or the events leading up to the outcome.  Alex did her bit, helped save all those people, but she feels she was used, even abused.

          In her place, I think I’d feel the same resentment.  We all pride ourselves on being able to control our lives, or our reactions to events which disrupt our lives.  To feel powerless, helpless to control our own decisions and choices …  Yes, I would feel resentment.  And, there again, I can understand that Peri must have had reasons for doing it and still does have reasons for not telling.  At some point, while they were all in there, the situation stopped being a Legacy case and became something else.  Maybe Peri can’t tell us, but I think it fair for her to share whatever she can – the minimum should be why she denied Alex, Nick and Philip the chance to deal with the truth because, in a way, that is the truth which Alex wants.

          Andrew leaves tomorrow on his trip.  Apparently, Nick offered him the use of one of the audio recorders and Derek’s agreed.  Andrew took it home with him this evening.  He looked just like a kid on Christmas morning.  Watching him .. it was like being a child again myself but not a particularly happy one.  I’m reminded of those scenes in old movies where the poor kid has his nose pressed against the window of the toy store.  He’s looking in at all the magic and wonder but he can’t go in there, he can’t share.  Okay, I know I’m not a kid but I can’t share the magic and wonder of the paranormal because I’ve seen too much of it.  I’ve seen its ugly face and I know how it works.  All children are fascinated by the things in the dark, ghost stories, you name it, but it’s an innocent fascination.  When you consider how many people live on this planet, very few of them continue to be interested once they grow to adults.  The few who do tend to possess remnants of that childlike innocence.  They may coat it in a scientific veneer but, on the whole, they are woefully unprepared for what might happen.  A bad experience can scar their minds forever.  And that’s why I felt like the kid watching thru the toy store window.  I’ve lost that innocence.  I’ve seen too much.  I can’t count how many bad experiences I’ve had but I’m not scarred.  Well, not permanently.  The Legacy prepared me for what I was likely to face.

          I hope Andrew isn’t hurt by his vacation.  Somehow, I don’t think he will be.  The guy’s lucky.  He’s one of those rare individuals who always bounces back from difficulties and hardship.  If more people in the world were like Andrew, I’d be out of a job.  But he’s only one.  There are others in his group who may not be so fortunate.

          There’s nothing else for it.  I will have to relearn French and in short order if I’m to help Alex with her translation.  Of course, there’s the added complication that the words are Old French and not modern.  There again, no one ever said the Legacy would be a cakewalk.  I think it’s one of the reasons I stay.  Yes, there’s the knowledge that what we do makes a difference, despite the pain we feel, the anguish we go thru.  If the Legacy was just that .. maybe it would be enough, maybe it wouldn’t.  But it’s a challenge as well.  Each day, it forces me to think and evaluate, rise to new levels of understanding, stretch my horizons.  That’s why I stay.  On balance, it’s the right choice.




          Day 4 of my journal and I can report that today has been a lot better.  I really do believe that writing down my thoughts and feelings has changed me.  It’s certainly forcing me to confront a lot of what goes on in my head.  When I wrote down how much I resented things, the next day I was a lot more direct in speaking to people.  Yesterday, I was full of regret and, today, I’ve made big strides in .. not apologizing exactly but in explaining why I was grouchy the day before.  The first person I had to make peace with was Carrie.  I called her this morning at 7:00.  I said I’d been reading this book, one of those self help ones, and trying to incorporate some of the lessons I’d learned – okay, that isn’t strictly true but this journal is a kind of self help book – and maybe I wasn’t getting it exactly right.  If I’d said something which had hurt her, I was sorry, but the message beneath was true.  I did find it inexplicable for her to take so much baggage on what was – is – essentially a camping trip.  Having a manicure seemed to me a waste of money when it was more likely that she’d break a nail.

          Well, Carrie was good about it.  She said she understood my concerns and that I wasn’t to worry about her.  Tomorrow will be the proof of the pudding, as they say, when we actually leave.

          I copied the pages from the book and scanned them into the computer then sent them to Drake and Andy.  I’ve got Carrie’s copy with me.  I asked her about an email address and she said she didn’t have one.  Can you believe that?  I can’t.  I have five email addresses!  She must have one, even if it’s only at work.  No one these days has none at all.

          Drake called me late morning in a fit of excitement.  He told me I have to get tapes.  Lots of tapes.  I asked what kind and he said those big ones like on old fashioned reel to reel recorders.  In fact, that’s exactly what we needed.  Then I asked why and he could hardly get the words out.  Apparently, the people Andy works for (the professionals) have let him borrow a recorder and microphones for the trip.  When I heard that, I got excited too.  It’s almost like a validation of our work.  It makes it more than just a hobby.  I got 20 while I was on lunch break but it took a while to search out a store which sold them.  Nearly everything these days is cassette or digital.

          Well, this time tomorrow, I will be writing my journal in Haystone Manor by flashlight on the first night of our ghost watch.  I am all packed, my bags are ready by the door, my apartment is clean, stocked, and ready for me to leave.  Drake will be here at 9:00 – I hope!  It is good of him to give me a ride.  Next year, I will have to reciprocate.  There again, Drake has a big 4x4 and I don’t.  Andy has an ancient VW which always surprises me by not breaking down.  Carrie, of course, has a 3 year old sports car.  She says it has to do with image in the workplace.  I have an 8 year old Camry and it’s fine for my image in the workplace.

          I have to try to sleep now.  Goodnight, diary!




          There are occasions – not many and not often – when I have to be strict with the staff.  Tonight, I had to be firm with Andrew.  If I hadn’t, he would not have gone until very late.  I told him to prepare supper and then leave.  We would serve ourselves and see to the clearing up.  For a moment, I believed he would argue with me.  I have seen that reaction before – usually from Nick.  The eyes narrow slightly, the chin rises, the jaw muscles twitch.  I told Andrew that, if he didn’t do as I ordered, I would not let him take the audio recorder.  For a second, it was close but then he backed down.  So did I.  I told him he had done as much in advance for us as he possibly could and that we all hoped he had an enjoyable vacation.  I concluded with the offer of assistance should he feel it was needed, and it would be his judgment call.  I gave him a business card, and the recorder.  He smiled.  He did not look like our Andrew at that moment, but rather like someone shedding responsibilities at the start of time out.

          And so he prepared supper, called to say it was ready, and then he left.  I have to admit, I am hoping he does call.  Haystone Manor is an intriguing proposition.

          Nick is not here tonight; he is staying on the mainland.  Rachel was here for supper but then left for home.  It is just Alex and myself.  Her new project is another intriguing proposition.  She has the manuscript to decipher – her French is better than mine – and I have several artifacts removed from the same underground vault to examine.  One appears to be a medallion but it is heavily encrusted and will need careful handling if it is not to be damaged.  Another is apparently a plate, possibly an altar plate.  Again, it is encrusted with the same mineral deposits.  The last item is a chalice.  This had been damaged before it came to us but not badly enough that it cannot be identified.  There is no hurry to complete this project.  So far, I have not ‘seen’ anything but that could be because I have not yet made contact with the artifacts, only the surface accumulation.  As with so much in life, only time will tell.

          Alex seems much more relaxed now.  It could be that she is coming to accept the reality of the situation although I think it more likely it is Peri’s strategy paying dividends.  This evening, after Rachel had gone, I took the chance to talk with Alex and go into her grievances a little more.  At first, she was guarded, mistrustful of my motives – which was, I found, a little hurtful – but then she began to tell me.  She was hurt by my dismissal of her concerns.  She said she’d felt betrayed by that.  The Legacy is founded on the truth and she did not, as yet, know the truth.  She admitted it was possible she never would, and she found that frustrating.  We had a long, and candid, discussion about it.

          Alex has many strengths which she brings to the Legacy, not the least being dedication and honesty, but I feel her main contribution is passion.  The fire inside her burns low but it is constant.  It does not matter if it is passion for a cause or for detail or, as in this case, resolution.  Right now, as I told her tonight, she is walking a fine line and she must be careful.  Passion is good.  Passion allowed to rage uncontrolled turns to obsession, and that can poison your entire life.

          She understood what I meant and she listened to me without argument or protest.  We didn’t fight.  We discussed.  Alex said that the very least she wanted was a reason why Peri had chosen to act unilaterally, even if she could not divulge details because they are sensitive.  I felt that was fair and told her so.  I certainly have no objection to this approach.  Alex admitted that she disliked having this occupy so much of her time and she hated the idea that she and Peri could fall out permanently.  She also said that she had not handled the confrontation very well the other day.  She knows she will have to talk with Peri; it’s just finding the right moment.

          I suggested neutral ground – somewhere in the city, perhaps.  Alex and I parted as friends again, trust in each other restored.  Tomorrow will bring what it may.  I hope one of the things it brings is an end to this ongoing situation.




          Well.  Day 4 and the last entry I’ll make here at home for a while.  In the morning, I hit the road.  It’s almost like going home .. but not quite.

          When I was a kid, I used to go play near Haystone.  There’s a wall all around the place except for the big, double, iron gates and where the grounds meet the cliff.  The whole estate is locked up tighter than Fort Knox .. unless you happen to be a kid with a burning determination to peek inside those dark, dusty windows.  If there’s a gang of you, it’s even better and easy to breach the security.  It isn’t as if there’s a guard on duty.  Haystone relies on its local reputation as a haunted house.  It exerts a magnetic pull but only so far.  It’s fun to creep into the grounds and go up to the windows.  Any farther – no way.  Not when you’re 9 or 10 and your parents will give you hell if they ever find out where you went and what you did there.

          When I left Littleriver, I always knew one day I’d go back to Haystone.  This is coming full circle for me.  That house first triggered my fascination with ghosts.  Now I’m going back to look for them.  And I feel quite the expert.  I have a recorder on loan from the Luna Foundation and instructions on how and where to place the microphones for the best results.  DR was very much the ‘master of the house’ tonight – and I’m grateful.  He really laid it on the line to me.  For a second there, he actually scared me even as I struggled with my conscience.  Leave the house, with some of my duties unfinished.  Leave, or else.  I had to obey, didn’t I?  It meant that I got two extra hours to finish up here.  My bag is packed, the food’s all boxed up.  The camping gear is ready to be loaded into Drake’s monster truck.  As far as I know, we are set for the morning.

          Florence emailed me a copy of the book entry – she is so good.  Not just a good person but good for the group.  A moderating influence.  I’ve printed the entry and I’m going to read it before I sleep.  I’ve also got a business card for the Luna Foundation and I’ve packed it with my other personal stuff.  I know NB offered to help out but I found that a little intrusive, if I’m honest.  A business card makes it .. more professional.  No, that isn’t the right word.  It’s more formal.  If I feel the need – and it’s down to me, no one else – I can call DR and request assistance and I wouldn’t be Andrew the butler calling.  I’d be Andy the client.  There’s a subtle difference there and an important one.  Andrew works for them.  Andy would be calling the shots and they’d be working for him.  I still hope I won’t have to call but it’s comforting knowing I have the option.

          Well, that’s me done for now.  Tomorrow, I’ll write more on the first night of the ghost watch.




          This is so strange and yet, in a funny way, it’s so typical.  The people who make up the members of this house fall out from time to time yet they hate doing it.  There’s always guilt and regret afterward, and the offering of olive branches.  It may take time but it always happens.  I won’t say the others took Peri’s side the other day but they did defend her against me.  And now both Rachel and Derek have begun the peace making process.  It won’t be long before Nick offers to play mediator – and I never thought I’d ever write that about him!  I’ll turn down the offer though, not because I think it’s a bad idea but because I have to be the one to do this.

          Rachel began today by trying to help with the translation.  Her French is virtually nonexistent so I appreciated her attempt.  But, naturally, that was just the opening move.  Lighten the atmosphere a little, get us both laughing and then we ease gently into therapy.  We talked about my feelings and why I was feeling them, what had caused me to react the way I did the other day.  Rachel is a very dear friend of mine as well as a trusted colleague but she is a psychologist and she feels this deep seated need to use her expertise to help us.  Sometimes, it’s welcome; often, it’s useful; at other times, it’s invasive.  I think today I welcomed the chance to talk.  I wanted her to know that I’m not being deliberately awkward or stubborn.  She understood and even agreed with me that my feelings, in this situation, aren’t unjustified.

          Later, when Rachel had gone, Derek and I had a long and open discussion.  At first, I was wary of him.  I wondered why he was raising this again when he’d already told me to drop it.  But, as I’d told Philip in San Stefano, Derek knows us better than we could imagine.  He knew that, in spite of his advice, I wouldn’t let this go.  So he wanted to talk it over.  I explained that I saw his earlier advice as a betrayal, not just of me but of the Legacy as well, and that I’d been hurt by his words.  He didn’t apologize but we did discuss at length my reservations.  He said that passion was good but passion allowed to rage uncontrolled led to obsession, and I was walking a fine line.  He used Randolph Hitchcock as an illustration of how obsession can poison an entire life.  I can understand that and why he would say it to me as a warning.  It must appear like I’m obsessed – looking back thru these pages over the last few days .. I’ve done little but go on about Peri.  I don’t think it’s an obsession though, not yet.  I haven’t sunk that far and I don’t intend to let it go on much longer.  Peri and I need to talk this out, just the two of us.  It’s just finding the right moment.  Derek thought it a sensible approach and suggested neutral ground.  It’s a good idea.

          Andrew’s gone now.  I overheard Derek laying down the law to him earlier today.  I also saw him giving Andrew a business card.  Derek wished him good hunting at Haystone.  Once Derek had gone to bed, I returned to the control room to do a little digging of my own.  I think Andrew and his friends are going to Haystone Manor, which is just up the coast past Mendocino and very near to a place called Littleriver.

          I am so envious!  Haystone sounds a fascinating study, well worth a Legacy investigation.  I think the reason we’ve never gone to look for ourselves is because Haystone is, essentially, closed to the public and no one lives there.  It’s a relic which just hasn’t been pulled down yet.  If people aren’t disturbed by ghostly apparitions or, as with this particular house, unexplained noises, why should anyone go check it out?  Well, Andrew has but his motive isn’t to solve the mystery, it’s to experience the mystery.  He isn’t investigating Haystone, he and his friends are merely curious.  Fascinated.  It’ll be interesting to hear about it when he gets back, and, maybe, then I could suggest to Derek that we go take a look and with the right motive.  Maybe, if the mystery was solved, Haystone could become a functioning house again.

          I have my own ideas on what happened there but I need to do a lot more research before I’m anywhere near certain.




          This is it, no more messing around.  Last night at home for a while.  The car’s gassed up.  Tires are checked, including the one on the spare.  Everything is good to go in the morning.  I have to be up early cos I’m giving Flo a ride so that means I have to get there for 9:00.

          I have a strange feeling about the trip.  I’m not one of those weird people who see Elvis’s face on a potato or have visions, or hear voices.  Only voice I hear in my head is my own.  But I have a strange feeling about this trip to Haystone.  Could be indigestion.  Could be anticipation.  But I feel that this trip is not going to be typical for us.

          Why do I feel this?  Could be because the Trip Nazi has been unusually quiet the last couple of days.  She hasn’t called once today – and that isn’t like Carrie.  I would have put money on it that she would’ve called just to say ‘see you in the morning, 9:30 sharp at Andy’s’ – I would have lost the bet.  There’s a cynical part of me which is hoping like crazy that Carrie pulls out but that’s mean.  She can’t help being the way she is.

          Anyway, what happened today beside the fact I got no calls from Carrie – well, Flo emailed me with a copy of the book entry on Haystone so we can do our reading before we get there and, so, make the most of our time.  I’m surprised Carrie didn’t ask for this to be done – come on, Drake!  There’s the benefit of the doubt and then there’s taking it way too far.  Carolyn Hess does not ask.  She demands, and I’m surprised she didn’t insist on this being done, but Flo didn’t mention it in her email.  That was fairly early this morning before she left for work.

          Let me kind of sidetrack for a while – if Carrie emailed her demands instead of calling, I could see her in a much better light.  Honestly.  For one thing, I’d pick it up at my own time and, for another, I’d already have it written down.  If the chance arises, I am going to suggest it to her.

          The other thing which happened today was that Andy sent me an email and he wrote that the people he works for (the professionals) had let him borrow an audio recorder for the trip.  For a second, when I read that, I felt very insulted.  I’m the official cameraman in the group – my job is to try to record images of the spooks.  But then I remember Haystone is more noise than apparitions so a recorder makes a lot of sense, and then I got excited.  It really brought it home to me that we leave tomorrow, just a few hours away now.  I got on the phone to Flo and asked her to get tapes, lots of tapes.  She was a bit curious as to why and I could just about get the words out.  Then she got excited too.

          I’ve never told my parents that I do this.  My Dad is a great guy and I love him dearly but he never wanted me to be an artist.  I use photographs in the same way as a painter uses brushes and pigment.  I’ve held exhibitions.  I make my living from this and I am not a poor guy.  If I told him I’m an amateur ghost hunter …  I don’t think they’d ever talk to me again.  They’re conservative, they wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, something to provide a good, steady income until I drop dead at my desk or on the golf course.  Right now, they think this is just something I’m going thru and, one day, I’ll grow up.  If they could have seen me today, jumping around the apartment because I was excited about a tape recorder …  No, they’d disinherit me for sure.  Best I keep quiet and let them think one day I’ll go to law school.

          Anyway, that’s me done for now.  Tomorrow, I am going on a trip and staying up all night.  It’s going to be good, seeing Andy and Flo again.  I’ll even smile at the Trip Nazi.  An early night for me now – 11:15.  I got some reading to do before I sleep.




          Hah!  I can’t believe I was so depressed yesterday.  Florence rang this morning at 7:00 – that was nice of her to remember that I have to leave early.  She didn’t exactly apologize but she wanted to explain her forthright language and attitude from the day before.  Some kind of self help therapy.  Well, I have been there and done that, so I understood.  I think she has some work still to do before she gets it exactly right.  On the basis of that conversation, I’ve decided not to take a smart dress and shoes but I will do a home manicure because I always have the day before I go on vacation anywhere.  It’s almost a ritual with me.  The manicure is my signal that my time out has started.  Soon as I put down this pen and pack my journal, I’ll start work.

          I forgot to ask Florence to copy the entry for everyone.  I’m not surprised I forgot.  I was really down yesterday.  It’s too late now.  Florence asked me for my email address – I lied, I said I didn’t have one.  I do.  Of course, I do but I’m not giving it to her.  She’d only pass it on to the others.  And there is no way I am telling her it’s chucklecheeks @ hotmail.  I can just hear Drake’s comments.  I couldn’t explain to him that Chucklecheeks is what my ex-fiancé used to call me.  No, absolutely not.  That stays under wraps.

          I told Florence she wasn’t to worry about me.  I’m made of sterner stuff than gossamer.  And, with a day’s distance, I can see the truth in her words.  I do take too many bags with me.  Tonight, I repacked and I’ve halved the amount of baggage.  I feel pretty righteous about that.  I must thank Florence tomorrow for being so honest.

          Tomorrow morning, we’re off.  The waiting is over.  It’s come round so fast.  Thank God, the permits arrived this morning together with an address of someone in a place called Littleriver who has the keys to the gates and the house.  The letter was very politely worded and signed by someone called Jeremy Jessop.  He asks that, should we prepare a report of our visit, he would like to have a copy together with any photographic or other evidence we acquired.  What ‘other evidence’ could there be?  Maybe Andy knows what this Jessop guy means.

          For myself, I am excited about this trip but I think it’ll be like every other trip we’ve made together – a good opportunity to spend time as a group and a complete waste of time as far as ghost hunting goes.  Let’s be honest here – there really are no such things as ghosts.  I don’t like having to write that, seeing as I’m a valued member of the group, but it’s true.  I believe that, when people die, they go on to heaven or hell and their bodies decompose.  What we ‘see’ as ghosts is really just a trick of the mind or it’s imagination.  We want to see and so we do.  The mind is capable of so much, a lot of which we know nothing about.  My own take is that the mind manufactures ghosts.

          But it’ll be good to get away from work for a while, spend time with Andy and Florence – and Drake – and to let all those delicious chills run up the spine as we sit in the dark of an old, large house, watching the minutes tick by and listening to every creak and rustle.

          Oh God, it’s just occurred to me writing the word ‘rustle’.  I hope there won’t be rats.  I really hate the idea of rats.  Spiders’ webs, I can put up with.  Rats, no.

          At least we’re not sleeping in the house.  There’s a lodge just inside the gates.  It has running water but no electricity or heating.  We can use the fireplace though.  Mr Jessop says the chimney is swept every year so it’s safe.  There aren’t rooms for us to use individually but rooms enough for the girls to have one and the guys to have another.  The bathroom has a lavatory which works but baths and showers are out.  Reading that, I understood Florence’s comments about roughing it.

          Thinking back over all our other trips, this is the first ‘on site’ for the duration.  All the others, we at least had access to facilities nearby. Not this time.  So, tonight, I am going to take a long soak in the tub, pamper myself, and get a good night’s sleep.  It’ll be the last time I do any of those things for a while.




          Merli thinks I’m writing 2 journals but I’m not, not really.  I just copy over the Legacy stuff into the proper journal.  This one is more personal.  Merli isn’t part of the Legacy and, when I die, those journals go someplace else.  I don’t want anyone knowing about my life with her.  I have to not only face the fact but also accept it that Merli could die before me, and a long time before me as well.  This journal is my way of preparing for that day.  Writing about her and our life together will keep her alive in my mind.  And, if I go first over the river, these journals will be her property and, I hope, fulfill the same purpose.  Of course, it helps knowing that she can come back to visit or come over to visit me whenever she wants but, for the times she can’t, these journals will be a comfort.

          I think I must be going soft because, today, I avoided confrontation again.  This time of year, the weather’s good so I go do the rounds of the cameras out in the woods of the estate.  I check them over, check the wiring and connections, the angle of view.  Best to do it now before the bad weather kicks in.  I chose today to do it rather than work alongside Alex.  Rachel and Derek were both there so she had company.  Something’s come in from the Paris house which has distracted her a little but not enough for her to forget San Stefano.

          Merli didn’t show all day.  She has something on her mind but she isn’t saying what.  I don’t think she’s too bothered by it because she called me a couple of times and she sounded like always.  She said she’d be staying over on the mainland again tonight so I decided I’d stay over too.  I didn’t quite finish with the cameras before I checked in with Derek and beat a hasty retreat.  Finishing that will give me the reason to avoid Alex again tomorrow.  Having written that, I have to be over on the island early tomorrow because I’m cooking breakfast.  Andrew’s gone.  Derek agreed to him taking the recorder – he thought it was a good idea – and he showed Andrew how to work it and where to place the mikes.  Then he told him to leave.  He’s also given him a business card just in case he needs more help.  Haystone’s just up the coast so it won’t take us long to get there if we’re called in.

          There’s a piece of me hoping like hell that it won’t happen.  I like Andrew and I don't mind helping out, not if it’s really needed, really important.  But I have so much other work to do with the house that I need to be here.  I want it finished.  I want to live there.  If Andrew calls just out of courtesy so we can go check him out, nod and say ‘great job’ and come away .. I hope that doesn’t happen.  Part of me says it won’t because Andrew isn’t that kind of guy and he respects us too much to waste our time like that.

          Merli isn’t too bothered about fixing the house up fast.  She says she doesn’t mind if it takes years.  The important thing is that we’d be doing it together.  Okay, that doesn’t mean the both of us here every day, working alongside each other.  She can work here alone if I have to leave.  I can work here alone if she gets called away.  But we’d be working to our plan.

          Since getting over here this evening, I know she has something important on her mind.  Her eyes are a little distant every so often.  When I asked her, she said it was nothing, at least nothing yet.  Profelis should be arriving in a few days.  Maybe it’s that.  One thing to be grateful about, she hasn’t mentioned Alex once.

          I told her sleeping alone wasn’t so easy these days.  It’s half true.  I miss her when she isn’t there.  I miss watching her sleep, stretching out a hand and touching her skin, listening to her breathing.  At times, sure, I know she has to go away and then I have no choice about sleeping alone.  Looking at her tonight, I get the feeling she’ll be going away soon.




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